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Insect protection

Ranking from MOST INTERESTING: We rank the products from the newest through our recommended ones to other older products. Out-of-stock products are displayed last.<br>Sorting is not affected in any way by, for example, paid advertising.


Incognito Insect repelent

63 g


Highly effective DEET-free natural repellent.

In stock in store

Sea to Summit Mosquito Headnet


Ultralight mosquito headnet. Two types.

In stock in store

Repellent Lifesystems Expedition Ultra

82 g


Strong universal repellent that will keep all the insects away. Lasts up to 24h.

In stock in store

Lifesystems Compact Tick Tweezers

6 g


Compact and reliable tick remover with a key-ring.

In stock in store

Sea to Summit Nano Mosquito Pyramid Net Double

151 g


The smallest and lightes mosquito net for two available.

In stock in store

Sea to Summit Nano Mosquito Pyramid Net Single

89 g


The smallest and lightest mosquito net available.

In stock in store

Lifesystems Mini Bite Click Relief

5 g


Stops itching from insect bites. Takes care for 5000 bites.

Temporarily sold out