DuPont Tyvek Groundsheet
- tyvek_soft_antireflex_technickylist.pdf (87.3 kB)
Product information
- Manufacturer: DuPont
- Product code: P7K-DuP-Tyvek
Tyvek is ultralight, waterproof, very durable, puncture resistant and foldable like a paper. It's the perfect material for a groundsheet.
Tyvek is a material originally used in the construction industry to waterproof buildings. It is made of thousands of strong plastic microfibres. Due to its strength (even against accidental punctures), water resistance, very low weight and compliance, it is also very popular among lightweight travel enthusiasts. It is used to make a variety of equipment - for example, the popular Mighty Wallet or SOL bivy bags.
If you use Tyvek as a tent or tarp groundsheet, make sure it doesn't exceed the footprint of the tent/tarp. If it does, in the event of rain, water will splash onto the edges of the Tyvek and flow right under the tent. This makes the use of Tyvek counterproductive.
We offer two sizes of Tyvek groundsheet. Exact dimensions can be slightly different.
Size |
single 75 x 230cm double 150 x 230 cm |
Material | Tyvek® Soft Antireflex, 60g/m2 |
Weight |
100 g
(single (75 x 230 cm))
200 g (double (150 x 230 cm)) |
Size |
single 75 x 230cm double 150 x 230 cm |
Material | Tyvek® Soft Antireflex, 60g/m2 |
Weight |
100 g
(single (75 x 230 cm))
200 g (double (150 x 230 cm)) |
Reviews (13)
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2025/02/10 20:10
nízká hmotnost, či spíše superlehkost
2024/11/10 07:55
váha, nebo spíše lehkost
varibialita použití
2024/11/10 07:54
(Autorka recenze dlouhodobě a zátěžově testuje vybavení pro Pod 7 kilo, občas ji můžete potkat v kamenné prodejně. Více recenzí, gear listů a tipů na cesty můžete najít na jejím blogu Viktorčina Cesta tam:
2024/04/25 21:12
2024/04/15 10:45
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2023/02/11 20:05
(Recenzi přidávám ve spolupraci s Pod 7 kilo, které nam ochotně pomohlo vybrat vybavení a podpořilo nás na naší cestě. Názor je náš vlastní a nazaujatý!)
2022/10/09 19:57
2022/09/10 14:20
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