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Durston X-Mid 2

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Award-winning ultralight 2P tent with innovative construction. Stakes included.

Customer reviews 100% 3 ratings

1165 g Weight in grams. We check the weight of almost all items thus our weight information is often more precise than the one given by manufacturers.
Expected 2nd half of March

 398.00 (  328.93 excl. VAT)

Product information

  • Manufacturer: Durston Gear
  • Product code: DXM-6101/04-YS
  • EAN: 2007777777348

The X-Mid 2 has been developed from the first principles of geometry to achieve the most weight efficient, simple to use, and stormworthy design for a trekking pole shelter.

The result is a double wall tent that is incredibly user friendly, capable and spacious while weighing just 35 oz (1165 g). As a result, it has become one of the most awarded tents in recent years including awards for best tent from The TrekOutdoor GearLabSection Hiker and numerous other respected outlets.

Eight stakes included - 4 x 15cm a 4 x 18 cm.


The patented X-Mid geometry is the most space and weight efficient architecture possible for a trekking pole tent. It accomplishes this with an innovative double diagonal design that puts the floor on one diagonal while the ridgeline is on the opposite diagonal. In doing so, the two poles are set further apart to increase volume without requiring struts, yet remain setback from the edges to avoid a boxy shape that would be less stormworthy and require more fabric.

The result is a 'real' 2P tent that provides comfortable space for two occupants. That includes a generous 132 cm wide floor and a long 234 cm length that accommodates hikers up to 193 cm. The diagonal ridgeline increases headroom and allows the two occupants to move further apart for greater personal space.

Additionally, the dual vestibules are generously sized and easily accommodate packs and other items without blocking the doorway or creating a long reach to close the fly doors.


Simplicity and user friendliness are a major focus for the X-Mid because the last thing you want in bad weather or at the end of a long day is a tent that is a hassle to use. We avoid complexity and improve the user experience with our focus on first principles design, combined with obsessive attention to detail and extensive real-world validation.

Unlike most trekking pole tents, the rectangle based X-Mid offers a simpler 4 stake pitch. There are no mandatory guylines, no struts that are harder to pack up and store, and no measuring pole heights or estimating odd angles. It goes up quickly with just 4 required stakes and 2 poles that can be extended without measuring.

Once pitched, the user friendliness continues with large doorways that aren’t blocked by poles, vestibules that put the main area beside the door instead of blocking it, magnetic door toggles, intuitive pockets, and one hand operated zippers. Notably, the X-Mid uses polyester fabric for the fly which doesn't sag and absorb water like nylon so your pitch stays tight and the tent dries quickly. Polyester was controversial when we launched the X-Mid with it in 2018 but our passionate advocacy for it has led to many other companies following our lead.


Most ultralight tents achieve their low weights by shrinking the size and trading durability and stormworthiness for weight savings. In contrast, the X-Mid 2 saves weight through efficient design including a trekking pole structure that eliminates tent poles while being stronger, and a geometry that maximizes the volume possible from the fabric area. In doing so, the X-Mid 2 achieves its low weight while also being a robust shelter for tough conditions.

X-Mid 2's long list of protections include a doublewall design, full coverage fly (extends low to the ground to blocks drafts and splatter), fly first pitch (keeps the inner dry during setup in the rain), polyester fabric (doesn't sag and loosen like nylon), large adjustable vents, robust waterproof coatings, durable 20D fabrics, factory waterproofed seams, and protected doorways that keep rain out even when open. No other tent offers this full list.

In addition to this set of protections, the X-Mid shape is well suited for windy and snowy conditions because every panel is at a consistently moderate slope. Other tents have flatter roof panels that catch snow and flatter sidewalls that catch wind, while the X-Mid 2 puts every panel at a balanced 50-55 degrees to deliver strong all around performance.


In addition to the highest performance design, the X-Mid boasts the highest quality.

The tent is crafted at arguably the best and most experienced tent factory in the world using premium components, full double stitching, double folded edges, and generous bartacking.

We’re not aware of any other trekking pole tent that uses full double stitching and true double folded edges. While this premium quality gives the X-Mid a higher cost of production than comparable tents, the X-Mid 2 is priced lower simply because we sell it to you direct with only a modest markup.


The X-Mid shape has been developed from the first principles of geometry to be as weight efficient, simple, and functional as possible.

That includes avoiding all the common pitfalls of trekking pole shelters such as a complicated pitch, mandatory guylines, poles blocking the doorways, and a lack of interior volume.

Read the story about how the X-Mid geometry was developed.


The package includes 8 stakes in two lengths - 4 x 15 cm and 4 x 18 cm.

For all ultralight tents and shelters, regardless of brand, it is a good idea to consider using an additional groundsheet to protect the tent from damage and dirt, thus extending its durability (you can also replace the groundsheet more easily over time). You don't always have to use it, but it is particularly useful as a protection against thorns, dry grass or asphalt and stones. For this purpose you can use either the original Durston Groundsheet or Tyvek (you can adjust the dimensions by cutting).

If you don't use trekking poles, you can use the tent with Z-Flick folding poles.

You can find pitching guide here.


Model Weight Comfort Wind resistance Compactness Construction
Durston X-Mid 2 1165 g ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★★ treking poles

Evaluation is based on a relative comparison of one-person tents.


Number of persons 2
Entrances/ entry vestibules 2
Packed size 30 x 15 cm
Inner height 122 cm
Inner width 132 cm
Inner length 234 cm
Inner space 3,1 m2
Outer material 20D Sil/PE Polyester 3500mm
Groundsheet 20D Sil/PE Polyester 3500mm
Weight 1165 g | 625 g fly + 440 g inner tent + 100 g stakes (weighed in Pod 7 kilo including a stuff sack)


Number of persons 2
Entrances/ entry vestibules 2
Packed size 30 x 15 cm
Inner height 122 cm
Inner width 132 cm
Inner length 234 cm
Inner space 3,1 m2
Outer material 20D Sil/PE Polyester 3500mm
Groundsheet 20D Sil/PE Polyester 3500mm
Weight 1165 g | 625 g fly + 440 g inner tent + 100 g stakes (weighed in Pod 7 kilo including a stuff sack)

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Po zkušenostech s jednoplášťovými stany a tarpy pro jednoho jsem vzhledem ke své výšce (196cm) zvolil Durston X-Mid 2 a nemůžu si ho vynachválit. Pro jednoho je to uvnitř skutečně komfortní prostor, velmi jednoduchá a rychlá stavba, diagonální geometrie funguje na výbornou. Skvělá odolnost - intenzivní bouřku s kroupami a silným větrem vydržel na jedničku. Kombinuji s tyvekem jako podlážkou pod stan. Velmi tento stan doporučuji (jakkoliv jsem ho nezkoušel ve dvou lidech).

Lukáš Rehberger

2024/09/15 12:26

Nejlepší stan co jsem kdy měl. Na treku bylo celkem 6 nocí. Já měřím 193cm a vážim 108kg, všechno musím mít logicky větší a většinou těžší... Manželka taky není úplný drobeček a pohodlně jsme se vyspali s tím, že jsem si i na břiše vykopnul nohu do strany mezi karimatky. Stan slušně dýchá díky zvednutým bočnicím, takže rosení se nekonalo narozdíl od mého předešlého. Stavba rychlá, kolíky lehké a bytelné (1 jsem zatloukl v záchvatu únavy do kořene, 20 minut páčil a vypáčil beze škod). Mám smotán stan v Gossameru Maripose komplet i s nasazeným tropikem v boční kapse v igelitce, takže i v dešti bych stavěl stan a až pak uvnitř lezl do batohu pro Tyvek a zbytek výbavy. Sbalitelnost, skladnost, pecka. Stan působí na tu hmotnost opravdu bytelně postavený už se 4mi kolíky a hůlkami. Dotýkám se sice občas sítě hlavou nebo nohama (když sjedu v kopci), ale síť je prověšená a není to násilné opření hlavy o síť, jako znám z klasických stanů, kdy sloužím jako další výstuha... Spousta prostoru na výbavu v předsíňkách, sušící kapsy na stropě. Barvou se stan celkem schová, je taková nenásilně light-zelená... Cena je za mě ospravedlnitelná. Netestováno ve vichru, ukáže čas...

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2024/07/31 13:45


Verified customer

2024/06/25 10:10

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