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Durston X-Mid Pro 1 DCF floor



The lightest version of ultralight 1P tents with innovative construction.

Customer reviews 100% 1 ratings

480 g Weight in grams. We check the weight of almost all items thus our weight information is often more precise than the one given by manufacturers.
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 878.70 (  726.20 excl. VAT)

Product information

  • Manufacturer: Durston Gear
  • Product code: DXM-4033-03N
  • EAN: 2007777777362

The X-Mid Pro 1 is the ideal tent for the ultralight backpacker. It combines our maximally weight efficient X-Mid geometry with Dyneema® composite fabrics (DCF) to create one of the most spacious, simple, and stormworthy one person tents on the market - and yet it weighs under just 480 g.

Stakes are not included. We recommend 8 stakes - e.g. a combination of 4 pcs of MSR Mini Ground Hog with 4 pcs of MSR Ground Hog for rough conditions.


The X-Mid Pro 1 is a seriously spacious tent with more interior volume than any other 1P trekking pole tent. It's not just spacious in the context of superlight tents, but actually is more spacious than almost every 1P tent - at any weight.

The X-Mid Pro 1 accomplishes this with its space efficient geometry that moves the two poles further apart to create 25-50% more interior volume than competing tents, including more useable length, headroom, and shoulder room.

The floor length is a generous 230 cm which is combined with steep end walls such that the length is still 230 cm at 38 cm off the ground. The result is best in class useable length (suitable for hikers up to 203 cm), while the 81 cm floor width easily accommodates the widest pads with room to spare. You can comfortably sit up throughout the length of the tent while two people can easily sit in the tent together.

In addition, there are dual large vestibules (2 sq m) which put the main area beside the door instead of blocking it, and can easily hold large packs and other gear.


The X-Mid design was formed in tough real world conditions where you need a shelter that works, and this elegant and capable simplicity continues in the X-Mid Pro 1.

Our thoughtful design includes an ultra simple 4 stake pitch, magnetic door toggles for one handed operation, doorways that aren’t blocked by poles, large vestibules that put the main area beside the doorway instead of blocking it, a tensioned floor that lies taut and wrinkle free, one handed operating zippers, and dual interior pockets.

The X-Mid Pro 1 also packs smaller than any other 1P DCF tent at just 4.5″ x 10″. Thanks to the absence of poles and struts it packs short enough to store horizontally in your pack.


More than just a spacious tent, the X-Mid Pro 1 is a robust shelter for harsh conditions. It uses ultra strong DCF fabric and combines that with the highly regarded X-Mid shape which optimizes wind and snow shedding.

Unlike other tents near the 1 pound mark, the X-Mid Pro 1 doesn’t trim away the lower part of the fly for weight savings but instead has a full coverage fly to block drafts and rain splatter while also having the option of raising it higher. Other features found in the X-Mid Pro 1 – but otherwise unheard of at the 1 lb mark – are peak vents (important to minimize condensation) and zippered doorways (blocks drafts, increases structural integrity).

The X-Mid Pro 1 also features dual protected doorways that keep rain out when open, attachments for peak and side panel guylines, and the ability to add up to 12 stakes around the base.


In addition to the highest performance design, the X-Mid Pro has industry leading quality. That starts by using premium materials like Dyneema, and assembling them at the most experienced tent factory in the world for DCF.

We use hot bonded construction to create Dyneema seams that are stronger, cleaner looking, and better retain their strength in extreme temperatures compared to sewn or cold taped seams. We also use a proprietary pre-shrinking process for DCF so the shape is more stable over time and won't deform or shrink to create wavy zippers like most other DCF tents. Lastly, we use thoughtful design and reinforcements to avoid stressing the fabric diagonally (on the 'bias') which adds costs but prevents premature degradation.


The X-Mid shape has been developed from the first principles of geometry to be as weight efficient, simple, and functional as possible.

That includes avoiding all the common pitfalls of trekking pole shelters such as a complicated pitch, mandatory guylines, poles blocking the doorways, and a lack of interior volume.

Read the story about how the X-Mid geometry was developed.


For all ultralight tents and shelters, regardless of brand, it is a good idea to consider using an additional groundsheet to protect the tent from damage and dirt, thus extending its durability (you can also replace the groundsheet more easily over time). You don't always have to use it, but it is particularly useful as a protection against thorns, dry grass or asphalt and stones. For this purpose you can use either the original Durston Groundsheet or Tyvek (you can adjust the dimensions by cutting).

If you don't use trekking poles, you can use the tent with Z-Flick folding poles.

For field repairs we recommend Durston DCF Repair Kit.

You can find pitching guide here.


Model Weight Comfort Wind resistance Compactness Construction
Durston X-Mid Pro 1 + DCF floor 480 g ★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★ treking poles

Evaluation is based on a relative comparison of one-person tents.


Number of persons 1
Entrances/ entry vestibules 2
Packed size 27 × Ø14,5 cm
Inner height 114 cm
Inner width 81 cm
Inner length 230 cm
Inner space 1,9 m2
Outer material DCF
Groundsheet DCF
Weight 480 g (weighed in Pod 7 kilo - stakes are not supplied with the tent)


Number of persons 1
Entrances/ entry vestibules 2
Packed size 27 × Ø14,5 cm
Inner height 114 cm
Inner width 81 cm
Inner length 230 cm
Inner space 1,9 m2
Outer material DCF
Groundsheet DCF
Weight 480 g (weighed in Pod 7 kilo - stakes are not supplied with the tent)

Reviews (1)

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Durston X-MID Pro 1 DCF
Jedním slovem Taj Mahal.
Prostor! To je první věc co mě po setkání s tímhle stanem napadla. Díky konstrukci stanu jenž se staví na dvě trekové hole, které nepřekáží u vchodů získáte v porovnání s jinými UL stany pro jednu osobu (Zpacks-Plexi, GG One) dostatek místa nejen na spaní, ale i k uskladnění ostatní výbavy. Velikost ocení především hikers s vyšší postavou a to nejen při sezení, ale především v leže. Vanička (tzv. bathtub) ve které ležíte je vyrobena z odolnějšího DCF v rozích s výztuhou. Dva vchody a dva ventilační otvory zajistí odvod kondenzace ve stanu. Ta je v porovnání s Zpacks-Plexi, GG One větší, ale díky DCF se dá rychle vysušit. Kapsy v vnitřní síťovině na mobil jsou standartem. Magnetické úchyty stěn vchodů je věc, která mě baví! Vchody moskytiéry zaaretujete pomocí dvou gumiček přišitých z vnitřní strany. Hodně dobrý nápad. Snadné a drží. Stan se dá postavit pomocí 4 kolíků a stabilitu můžete zvýšit pomocí dalších 6 kolíků. Vypnutí rohů spodní strany stanu až k zemi zajistí plastové stahovací svorky. Tenhle stan bude parádně držet i v silném Kalifornském větru. Někomu může vadit transparentnost DCF, ale to je dle mého názoru zanedbatelná věc. Stan sbalíte rychle a jednoduše do vaku. Především začátečníkům doporučuji se podívat na video od výrobce jak správně postavit stan. Jsou tam vidět fajn vychytávky. Váha 480 g se dá ještě ještě snížit o odebrání obalu, ale to udělá jen fajnšmekr. Zipy časem povolí jako u každého UL stanu, ale to se dá jednoduše opravit. Viz. YouTube.com. Setkal jsem se i s poškozením zipu a následném neuznání reklamace. Každopádně po zkušenostech s jednáním s výrobci UL stanů doporučuju zacházet se stany obezřetně. Taky nemůžu posoudit jak dlouho vydrží DCF materiál. To až cca po třech měsících každodenního používání, ale budu věřit majiteli firmy Durston, že zvolili správný postup výroby a stan opravdu vydrží delší dobu!
Ze začátku jsem byl vůči Durston X-MID Pro 1 DCF poměrně skeptický. Záhy jsem změnil názor. Tenhle UL stan bych si vzal nejen na víkendovku, ale především na dlouhou stezku. Stan jsem zkoušel v Beskydech, Javorníkách a dál jej budu testovat na Rudné magistrále na přechodu Nízkých Tater na Slovensku a na další CDT.

(Autor je ultralight hiker a nadšenec do UL vybavení. Má na svém kontě cca 21 000km.
X-MID Pro 1 DCF testoval pro Pod 7 kilo)

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Pavel Sabela

2024/06/05 15:08

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