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Sea to Summit Lightweight Dry Bag View


Light and durable laundry bag.

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53 g Weight in grams. We check the weight of almost all items thus our weight information is often more precise than the one given by manufacturers.
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Product information

The Sea to Summit Lightweight Dry Bag View is a durable waterproof bag with a clear window.


Washing in a waterproof bag is a popular traveling trick. The principle is that you pour warm water into the bag, dissolve some detergent in it (e.g. this Wash Leaves) and add the laundry. Then roll up the bag (leave some air inside) and push it with your palms. Move your hand back and forth to roll the laundry around or shake the bag. Next, repeat the cycle with clean water to get rid of dirt and detergent residue. You can wring out the laundry (partly directly in the bag) and, if necessary, remove further moisture by wrapping it with a dry towel and squeeze. You can also see how to wash in the video below.

You can use them like any other waterproof bag. However, for that we recommend the lighter Ultra-Sil Dry Bag. We recommend the Lightweight Dry Bag primarily as a travel laundry bag. It is perfectly suited for such use. The bag is durable, so you don't have to be too careful and you can see into it throught clear window.

The Sea to Summit Lightweight Dry Bag View is a durable waterproof bag with a hatch. We chose them to offer as the ideal travel "washing machine". With a wash bag, you get the ability to wash your clothes anywhere in your own hygienic environment, regardless of the availability of a clean sink or shower. It's also great for gentle outdoor washing. It is also multifunctional.


  • if you're not washing, you can use the bag for dirty clothes
  • everything is compactly sealed
  • saves water

Advantages in civilisation (e.g. in a hostel):

  • you don't have to occupy the sink
  • the sink can be messy
  • washing in a bag is gentle on your hands

Advantages of washing in nature:

if you use a biodegradable, gentle product (e.g. Ponio), you can scoop water anywhere and then pour the water and product out at a distance from the water source


  • 5l - if you plan to wash only underwear
  • 8l - for one person with less bulky clothes (t-shirts, underwear, leggings)
  • 13l - for one person who also needs to wash bulkier clothing (e.g. sweatshirts, trousers); also usable for two people with less bulky clothing

You can see how to wash in the bag in the video.


Volume 5 l / 8 l / 13 l
Size 5l: 16,8 x 14 x 32 cm
8l: 19,9 x 16,5 x 39 cm
13l: 22 x 20 x 45,9 cm
Material 70D recycled nylon (bluesign approved)
Weight 53 g (5 l)
65 g (8 l)
79 g (13 l)
(weighed in Pod 7 kilo)


Volume 5 l / 8 l / 13 l
Size 5l: 16,8 x 14 x 32 cm
8l: 19,9 x 16,5 x 39 cm
13l: 22 x 20 x 45,9 cm
Material 70D recycled nylon (bluesign approved)
Weight 53 g (5 l)
65 g (8 l)
79 g (13 l)
(weighed in Pod 7 kilo)

Reviews (1)

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Vak je ideální hlavně na časté praní malých dávek prádla jako spodní prádlo a zpocená trika.
Ze začátku jsem ho používala na ruční praní prádla pouze v ubytováních se špinavým nebo příliš malým nebo jinak nevyhovujícím umyvadlem. Dnes ho používám na veškeré ruční praní, protože mi vyhovuje, že si nemusím máchat ruce v pracích přípravcích a navíc je to rychlejší a efektivnější, protože nemusím brát každý kousek zvlášť.
Když s naplněným vakem pořádně zacvičím, protřesu a zaboxuji, funguje nejen na pot, ale i na lehké skvrny jako opravdová pračka.
Zároveň ho používám na treky jako dry bag na oblečení proti dešti nebo naplněný oblečením i jako polštář na stanování.

(Autorka rezcenze testuje vybavení pro Pod 7 kilo. Žije jako digitální nomád a vybavení testuje intenzivním celoročním a každodenním používáním v různých podmínkách. Cesty sdílí na www.youtube.com/@The_Mudstomper)

Kateřina Šafářová

2024/10/03 19:45

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